Dirty Looks Volume 4 - Reprint!
Reprint of our 2019 publication, which sold out in a matter of months!
Featuring chapters profiling Rosa von Praunheim's City of Lost Souls, the videos and televisual performances of Nao Bustamante, Rick Castro and Vaginal Davis' VHS magazine Fertile LaToyah Jackson, the videos of Nguyen Tan Hoang, Teo Hernández's Salomé, Hippie Dick, the zine edited by Gene Barnes (aka Portia Manson), and an introductory chapter that details our Eight Years On program, with newly commissioned works on the films of Mariah Garnett, Aimee Goguen, Warren Sonbert, Brontez Purnell, Jill Reiter, Michael Robinson, Chris E. Vargas and Xina Xurner!
Contributors include Dodie Bellamy, Carl Bogner, Joshua Chambers-Letson, Richard Fung, Rudy "Bleu" Garcia, Raquel Gutiérrez, Glen Helfand, Johnny Ray Huston, Xandra Ibarra, William E. Jones, Bruce LaBruce, Clara López Menéndez, Amos Mac, Kelly Marie Martin, Bradford Nordeen, Iván Ramos, Larry-bob Roberts, Linda Simpson, Angie Stardust and Juan Antonio Suárez. Design by Nathan Hauenstein + Tiffany Malakooti. Cover by Scott Ewalt
167 Pages. $12.95 ISBN 9780578470634